Corporate Administration

This programme equips students with both the theory and the practical aspects of the management of a corporation. The programme also exposes students to language skills, information technology and its application and other related subjects to become capable and qualified corporate administrators.
Programme Structure
This programme equips students with both the theory and the practical aspects of the management of a corporation. The programme also exposes students to language skills, information technology and its application and other related subjects to become capable and qualified corporate administrators.
Year 1
- Introduction to Business and Management
- Introduction to Information Technology
- Business Communication
- Introduction to Accounting
- Principles of Marketing
- Principles of Economics
- Business Mathematics
- Business Law
- Financial Accounting
- Human Resource Management
- Statistics
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Philosophy and Current Issues (local students) / Malay Language Communication 1 (International students)
Year 2
- Total Quality Management
- Organizational Behavior
- International Marketing
- International Business Finance
- Internship
- Business lnforma,lion System
- Financial Management
- Strategic Management
- International Human Resource Management
- Contemporary Business Organisation
- Living Skills/ Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
- Family Issues
- Co-curriculum
*For Malaysian students who do not have a credit in SPM BM
Next intake: Jul 23, Nov 23
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